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MMI COVID-19 Updates

A letter to the industry from our President/Founder, Amy Bircher and Vice President, Jeff Papalia (5/11/2020) --
Dear MMI Customers, Suppliers and Business Partners,
We hope this letter finds all of you healthy, safe and sane during these strange times. I know we have all had to make many changes to our daily personal and professional lives.
On Saturday March 21, 2020, after a week of growing increases and demands for medical and PPE needs, the Senior Staff of MMI Textiles held a two hour call to discuss a business shift and need in the market. Even though MMI Textiles has historically focused about 30% of opportunities to the Medical Industry, we had very little knowledge about the PPE world. We decided that if we are going to enter and assist the need for PPE Raw and Finished Materials, that we had to make a full commitment from top to bottom (Sourcing, Sales, Customer Service, Product Knowledge and Training) to the PPE Demand. For the past 8 weeks, we have gone from a novice in the field to a valuable and major player in the industry. Entering our 9th week of PPE demands, we are making the commitment to you, that this is a business line that we will focus on for the long haul. We have had deep and thorough discussions with our staff and our Board of Directors, that this is an area we intend to grow.
MMI Textiles has always been known in the Military, Tactical and Government world as a leader as a fabric and component supplier. Over 50% of our business has always been devoted to this product line. MMI Textiles wants you to know that we are only looking to grow this business line. We have increased staffing and other commitments to always have this as our main business line. We have several products in development right now that we have been working hard on since last year, and those efforts have continued without any slow down through this crisis.
In closing, we at MMI Textiles will always focus on our core values. These core values are Integrity, Problem Solving/Innovation, Competence, Passion and Strong Partnerships/Culture. Our purpose remains as - To provide textile solutions and new product ideas to the sewn product industry while offering the best quality and customer service. We can't do any of this without the great partnerships we have in place with both customers and suppliers.
If you want to further discuss any current or future business opportunities, questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out directly to either one of us.
Amy Bircher
Jeff Papalia
Vice President
A message from our President/Founder, Amy Bircher (3/20/2020) --
To our valued customer and supplier partners,
MMI Textiles continues to remain fully operational, with a commitment to you to maintain the level of service you have come to know and expect from our dedicated and passionate team. We are following all protocols to maintain a healthy and safe workplace environment.
Starting Monday, March 23rd, we will have a rotation system in place so that ½ of our work force will work M/W /F a.m. and the other ½ will work T /TH/F p.m. This is to cut down on the number of workers in one place at any given time. On the days that they are not in the office, they will be telecommuting from their home and available to service you as if they were here. Our management team will be here every day.
We have been called on by many to help provide textiles that serve the personal protection needs of the medical industry. We are doing all we can to gather our sourcing, stock up on those needs that are requested and be ready to step up if, and when, you need us.
We encourage you to continue to place orders based on your needs, and our team will work with you on appropriate delivery dates. Please do not hesitate to reach out if we can help you during this difficult time. Together we can get through this and overcome these challenges. We sincerely appreciate you and our partnership.
Best Regards,
Amy Bircher
President/Founder, MMI Textiles
A message from our Vice President, Jeff Papalia (3/18/2020) --
Dear all Military, Medical, Government and Association Partners:
During this tough and difficult crisis, I would like to let everybody know that MMI Textiles is here to assist in any way. MMI Textiles has a very long standing relationship with many of the Military/Medical Customers such as DLA Troop Support C&T, Natick, PEO Soldier and all of the Services. This is not a sales pitch by any means, but just a very important message that MMI Textiles is available to answer any questions, discuss the supply chain and help you find Sources from Suppliers to Cut & Sew Manufacturers.
80% of the MMI Textile business is in the Medical and Military Textile related fields. We are on call 24/7 – 7 days/week to assist in getting through this crisis. Our phones will never be on silent and we are checking emails around the clock. We are in this together, so I want to assure everybody that MMI Textiles is on the Team to fight this, for as long as it takes.
If you could please pass this on to any other government contacts that may have questions, need sources, need supply chain information, or anything else - it would be appreciated.
Thank you!
Jeff Papalia
Vice President, MMI Textiles
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak check out our current available PPE products.